To the Land of Research

November, 1999:

I was supposed to be on the east coast by about the beginning of August, so I didn't take the Summer quarter at Seward Park. My loss. I didn't take the Fall quarter either, and I probably should have.

On the other hand, I did manage to do little bits of this and that while I was doing my best trying to pack. Most of the results are now showing up in what passes for a Web journal, and I think that's an appropriate stage for it. People actually asked me to start such a journal, and at least three of them actually seem to read it, so I can't complain. (I'd be a fool if I did.)

Within a few days, in any case, I will set off for Maryland, where I expect to pursue pottery and other research topics for a few months. My email address here will continue to work, if you have any reason to want to reach me.

If there's a reason to, I'll eventually update and continue this Area, perhaps when I return to the west coast. In the meanwhile, I hope you have enjoyed my attempts at describing what I've done and why I like it, and I hope you like the journal as well.

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(There isn't a next section yet, and I don't know when or even whether there will be.)

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almost-a-mailto: jon (at) bazilians (put the period here) org
Last modified: Mon Nov 15 21:02:37 PST 1999