You Load Eight Whole Tons, and What Do You Get?

(23 December, 2000)

All of my stuff is now at Harmony House, except for anything that got lost and those few things that I've managed to transfer over to The Lab. Most of it arrived on Monday, but they'd missed a bit in the fray, and had to come back on Tuesday evening in the snow. It was quite picturesque, this huge moving van pulling up in front of the house at 11 PM and disgorging various items...

I've only found one thing that isn't mine, so far, and only a very few things seem to have broken, all of them very badly packed.

There are, of course, things I still haven't found, but I am extremely pleased to report that as of this evening I know where my Kitchenaid mixer is, and that has been a source of some concern until perhaps an hour ago.

Eight tons is a lot of stuff. Much too much, in fact. I will be decreasing my holdings by a substantial degree as I unpack and sort, though I'm not entirely certain how.

Special Thanks to:

(03 January, 2001)

...both Scott Scidmore, who got stuck supervising the movers when they came to load the truck, because they'd been delayed, and didn't arrive until after I was back in Laurel, and also Vonda McIntyre, who has been very kind through this entire business.

It ain't over yet, but at least the stuff is all here now, and I'm finding almost all of the bits I need.

Process and Content

(23 December, 2000)

The wise and wicked Anita Rowland has suggested that I might want to look into the journal script, something I wasn't aware existed. I have taken a tiny peek, and I'm somewhat puzzled. The script appears to take certain things for granted, and I'm not at all sure that certain of them apply to me. Shocking as it may seem, for example, I type this all directly into emacs, right on the server. I don't have any HTML editor on my Mac, because I am a troglodyte. No, really, it's because I got used to doing it this way, and I have been kinda busy, so I haven't yet taken the time to investigate editors. It's tempting, though. Anita can be rather persuasive.

Again on the other hand, however, this journal seems to be slightly different in form from many others. For lots of journallers, one day is some sort of unit. (I run my pottery notes that way, in fact.) This journal, however, runs to the beat of a different and very syncopated drum. I end a segment when it feels like it's over. I am not entirely sure how I decide that, but so far it doesn't seem to have been at all difficult.

(03 January, 2001)

Anita has also suggested a notify list, so that people who actually read this thing will find out when I tweak the page. Seems that little updates and additions, like for example this one, can fall between the cracks. I'm giving it very serious consideration. If you start seeing a new mailto at the bottom, you'll know.

Joy Amid the Snows

(23 December, 2000)

I'm very happy to report that I've been asked, by Jack Bell, to be the Fan Guest of Honor at VikingCon in 2001. I've had very pleasant times at all of the VikingCons I've attended, and I'm very much looking forward to this one. There's even a possibility that I may be able to do some sort of pottery demo, perhaps in lieu of speechifying. We'll see.

I Won't Bore You With It Here, But

(23 December, 2000)

...I've been thinking about several classes of ancient Chinese glazes, with a lot of help from Nigel Wood's new book (which I think I've mentioned before), and I'll be trying to write some of that up in the "bouncing glazetests" pageset. I haven't had a chance to start yet, but perhaps some time this weekend...

Episode 77: The Big Zorch

(I just called it that because I couldn't think of anything particularly better.)

(23 December, 2000)

Speaking of journalling, my favorite curmudgeon, Will Volnak, has written a journalling/archive program for the Mac that looks pretty interesting to me. You can learn more about it at his Web site.

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Last modified: Mon Jan 29 20:19:45 PST 2001